Sean Lourdes and Megan Thomas are rich in love. The Marrying Millions couple exchanged vows in an intimate California wedding that aired during the finale of the new Lifetime series on September 11. The show follows six couples who come from extremely different financial situations. Lourdes, 36, is the millionaire director of The Lourdes Foundation. Thomas, 25, comes from a working-class family in California.
The couple met when Thomas, a model, was studying at the University of California in Los Angeles. She applied for a position at The Lourdes Foundation, and her application immediately caught Lourdes’ attention. “I was already super impressed by her resume—she was on the Dean’s List at UCLA, was the Valedictorian of her high school, and was even signed with Elite Models, among other impressive accomplishments,” Lourdes tells The Knot.
After Lourdes spent a year-and-a-half of pursuing Thomas, they finally met to get a drink. “We had an immediate, intense and real connection from the moment we met, and we’ve been inseparable ever since,” he says. “The rest is history.” – via The Knot
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